Fiction Writing Wiki

The name of a character can be an important part of the story. It is important that the author chooses good names for the characters.

Tips For Choosing[]

  • Baby name websites are excellent for choosing a name for a modern setting. There are several fantasy name generators out there that can at the very least give a person ideas.
  • Make sure that the name fits the setting. Ling-Su would look very out-of-place in a medieval England setting.
  • Don't make a name too long. Sorry Nashardianonorien.
  • Try not to choose a common, run-of-the-mill name like John or Dave.
  • Small, isolated areas will likely have a semblance of consistency with names. It is unlikely that one person from a small, isolated village will have Alluria for a name while another person in the same town has the name Garkallos Gar Grimsten. One must decide on a theme.
  • Don't name characters after nouns, verbs, or adjectives (unless they can be used as names, such as Rose or Red).
  • Villain's names should not be inherently evil. A villain can have a more sinister-sounding name, but try to avoid names that will scream "I'm evil! Neither should heroes have names that are obviously good.
  • Never make a name that a reader would have trouble pronouncing. Sorry jbrgzyzn'eh.
  • Never ever use an apostrophe ' in a character's name.

After The Name Is Chosen[]

Make sure to search for the name on google or another search engine to make sure there aren't any unintended meanings for the name. A fantasy name that the author made up could mean "idiotic" in another language. A more normal-sounding name could be that of a convicted murderer.
